Ladies Golf Apparel and Fashion

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By Rhys Jones

I picked up one of those 'Golfing for Women' type magazines the other day and got to asking myself where these women actually live, who wear the golf attire shown in women's golf magazines? I have never seen women, not even the pros, wearing such expensive and flamboyant clothes.

It's easy to spend money kitting yourself out for golf: hats, sunglasses, gloves, shirts, shorts, socks, windbreakers and shoes all add up quickly, even if you shop at the sales. Then add in equipment, bag and cart and you have to play quite often to keep the "CPU" - cost per use down to an acceptable level.

One full-page glossy advertisement showed a beautiful young 'golfing lady' in really tiny hot-pants (like that's allowed on golfing greens!) that cost nearly $300, a golf shirt at almost $600, a jacket by Ralph Lauren at almost $200 and two-toned Utuser shoes costing $400 plus.

That totals about $1,500! I know that I could never hope to get the CPU on that outfit down to anywhere near a normal level in my golfing lifetime! Don't get me wrong - I love clothes and I really love shoes, but could never afford, nor even want, golf shoes or pants that cost as much as a lot of people's weekly wages.

Granted, you want comfy golfing shoes that don't look like a pair of clogs, but really, you can find cheaper and still fantastic golf shoes.

I have bought several really stylish golfing outfits, even though none of them are famous brand names. If I were to total up the cost of all of those articles of clothing, it would not add up to the price of a Tse golf shirt. Personally, I would rather have several trendy outfits than one that is priced way over-the-top.

If I were to wear a $1,500 set of golfing attire to play golf in, I would just be too worried about getting it grubby or perspiring in it to enjoy a decent round of golf.

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