Building Wind Power Generators For Your Home

Posted by | Posted on 2:22 AM

By David Sullivan

Fossil fuels and non-renewable energy sources cannot last forever. We are simply running out of them, and prices are skyrocketing. We need to change the way we use energy and the way we generate energy in order to make sure our lifestyle remains sustainable over the long-term.

There are some people who have already started thinking this way. New scientific breakthroughs in renewable energy are allowing us to create sustainable energy at lower and lower costs.

Using the right set of plans even homeowners who don't know anything about construction or electricity can build their own alternative energy sources right in their backyards, such as wind power generators.

Wind turbines can be made to reduce the average home's electricity bill by as much as 70%. They can be built, using economical plans, for as little as $200 using pre-used parts. The most expensive part might be a DC motor which can cost as little as $30.

They can also be built with materials from a local hardware store and basic tools. An easy way to estimate how much power your wind generator can create:

Power(Watts) = (Wind Speed)^3 * (Blade Diameter)^2 * 0.00478

The speed of the wind makes the most difference because its value is cubed, then the blade diameter because its value is squared. Example calculation using a decent wind speed of 10mph and an 8 ft blade diameter:

W = (10*10*10) * (8*8) * 0.00478 = 305 watts/hour - x 24 hours and you can calculate 7.3 kWh generated per day by a wind power generator.

An average home uses about 12-20 kWh/day. Of course if you conserve your power you can reduce that to much less - even down to 5 kWh per day. So if you don't have a great average wind speed in your area, a wind power generator can significantly reduce your power bill, and it may only cost you $200.

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