Can Anyone Sell Their Photos?

Posted by | Posted on 12:57 AM

By Dan Feildman

There is an ongoing myth that the online digital photography business is available only to US citizens.

Obviously this is untrue yet it is important to note that the majority of the purchasers of stock photography are from the US due mostly to the volume of internet users as well as the high demand from web designers, advertisers and marketers for images of items that are unavailable in the States.

If you do a simple Google Image search you can see the variety of subjects that are being photographed and solicited for sale. While you may see a huge variety please pay particular attention to the quality of the images as many will never be accepted by a Stock Photography site simply because the quality is poor. You may also notice which sizes are available to upload, this is important to know prior to submitting your image as you will want to make sure you have proper sizes. Beware if you are resizing your image that you may lose quality which could result in your image being rejected.

The actual jump from producing poor quality images to high selling images is not high at all, but simple mistakes need to be corrected in order to reach the final goal of being able to sell your quality images on the stock photography sites.

Ideally photos have not been edited with photo editing programs such as Photoshop. While these programs are great for resizing and cropping you will lose quality each time you open and work with the photo. The goal, therefore, is to take the perfect photo without the need for any editing.

The best thing about selling your photographs online is that it can be done by anyone, anywhere. All you need to get started is an interest in photography, a digital camera, a computer and an Internet connection. If you can take quality photos of interesting subjects you will soon be able to sit back and what your bank account increase.

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