Step By Step Guide To Save Electricity

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By Scott Rodgers

Energy shortage is a big matter of concern today. We have limited resources for producing electricity and we are so much dependent on it that we can't even imagine a life without electricity. However, there are plenty of ways to save it. Let us now discuss different methods to reduce electricity wastage.

Most fundamental step in saving electricity is to save the unused part of it. Many times we pay bill for the electricity that we have not even used like if we do not turn off the light of a room while leaving it, it will add unnecessary units to our bill. Hence, we need to be attentive and save wherever possible. Always unplug the unused appliances like TV, computer, charger, washing machine etc.

By using compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) you can save a lot of electric units. Although, CFLs are costly than a traditional bulb but there is huge difference between their energy consumption. A CFL consumes little more than 1/4th of electricity consumed by a regular bulb to produce approximately same amount of light in a room.

Energy can also be saved by turning down the temperature of your water heater. Check the temperature setting of your water heater, if it is higher than 120 degrees then lower it. This will also reduce the risk of accident in your house.

One more way is to reset the thermostat ten degrees lower during the night. If you will do this for approximately eight to nine hours a day you can save up to 10% of electricity without sacrificing comfort.

Traditional electric appliances use to eat up huge amount of electricity but new version of those appliances are made energy efficient so as to save electricity. Hence, if you actually want to reduce your bill, just check if any energy consuming appliance at your home needs replacement.

An appropriate insulation of house also play important role in saving electricity, so check whether your house is properly insulated or not. Periodic checking of leakage in wires and performance of all the appliances is also very important. For this purpose always call an experienced electrician.

Now you are aware of all the simple steps of reducing energy wastage. The power to reduce wastage of electricity is in your hands only. Studies have shown that you can reduce up to 25% of your electricity bill by becoming more alert.

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