Guides On Choosing A Flower Bouquet For An Occasion

Posted by | Posted on 12:29 AM

By Gary Webb

A visit to a florist for the right bouquet may be a nerve-racking experience, as every flower shop gives you an abundance of choices. But the good news is that you can reduce your options keeping the occasion in consideration, as different flowers have different meanings associated with them and therefore each is appropriate for a particular event. Once you are conscious of this meaning, you would be able to reduce your options to a small set, from which you can without trouble select your bouquet.

Since Victorian times , and possibly even before that, flowers of all kinds have come to symbolize different emotions. While yellow roses stand for love that has more friendly and platonic character, the red ones symbolize love that is true and passionate. Colourful carnations and tulips also come under the category of flowers having meaning and messages for the recipients depending on their colour.

On the occasion of marriage, guests are required to present bouquets to the newly wedded couple. In such situations, the best bet is to have bouquets and arrangements that reflect the spirit or season of the marriage. A nice blend of red and white flowers is perfect for marriages that stick to traditional customs, while nothing can be better than a bouquet of spring flowers for a springtime marriage.

Colourful and bright flowers should be kept for happy events like anniversaries and birthdays, and flowers like roses, daisies and chrysanthemums are the most appropriate for bouquets meant for such occasion s. Someone who has successfully concluded his or her graduation with flying colours would love to be gifted with flowers that people can associate with both gaiety and refinement. Lilies are a good choice in such cases, and people often like to blend 3-4 colours of the flower for an aesthetic effect.

White flowers, especially sombre ones like white carnations, are generally reserved for funerals or other sad occasion s. By presenting a white bouquet or wreath you wish the soul of the deceased everlasting peace. However, vibrant flowers like tropical blooms are the best messengers of a get-well-soon message, and hence they are fit for gifting to people who are bed ridden due to illness.

Picking the correct bouquet for an occasion might seem like a very complicated job, but the expert advice of a florist can greatly help you in this regard. If you are purchasing flowers from a good florist in Singapore, then the people there will readily guide you in making the right choice for your objective.

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Suggestions For Choosing The Right Flowers For An Occasion

Posted by | Posted on 12:26 AM

By Janice Marquez

Flowers are often the best gifts for all kinds of people. They are liked by people irrespective of what their age and economic status is, and are used for a variety of occasions like marriages, anniversaries and birthday parties, or just for expressing how much one loves and cares for a person.

Seasonal flowers can make an inexpensive and great gift for your near and dear ones. A bouquet of flowers sent to an ailing relative or a single flower given to your beloved can lift their despondent spirits and make them happy, besides enabling them to use the flowers for decoration of their living rooms.

However, before gifting flowers to someone, you must consider some important factors. To begin with, you must be sure of the kind of flower that can be sent on a particular occasion. A florist can help you here, and you can tell him what relationship you have with the recipient, what the occasion is, and what message you would like to communicate.

Secondly, if you know that the recipient has a specific fondness for a particular kind of flowers, then you should buy those flowers for him or her to have the right effect. You must also find out if the person you are giving the gift to is allergic to a certain type of flower.

Thirdly, you should make a prior booking of the flowers, so that you don't have to make haste later in searching for the right flowers. It is advisable to buy flowers from a popular florist if you want the flowers to be fresh and want them arranged in a classy bouquet that the recipient will be delighted to receive.

Finally, it is advisable to pen down your personalized message on the card that will be attached to the bunch of flowers or on a separate card, so that the recipient can feel the warmth of affection in the gift.

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Tips For Your Wedding Event

Posted by | Posted on 12:25 AM

By Jessie Don

When you are planning your wedding you are going to want to find an event photographer. They should be motivated, have good experience and communication and most likely they will have their own style. An excellent event photographer will only posses these qualities through experience, so make sure that they are well trained and can focus on what you want is important.

Every event photographer will have their own style. The photographers style should coincide with your idea of the type of wedding pictures you want. Otherwise you might end up having a horrible experience. Depending on the style that your event photographer will use will vary. Traditional and wild are two extreme styles of photographers. Traditional pictures will consist of those of the bride herself, the groom himself, the bride and groom together, the wedding party, and everyone all together. Making funny faces and having completely serious faces might be considered a wild style.

An event photographer should be highly motivated, try to find one who is. You do not want to have someone who is inactive and sitting around missing all the good pictures they could be capturing. Motivation isn't just about doing the job, but enjoying it and communicating are also involved.

Experience can only come to an event photographer over time. In some cases you should ask questions such as where they were previously employed and for how long. Asking these questions can help you make a clear decision when choosing an event photographer. Ask their previous employer what kind of work they produced if they are now in business for themselves. It may be a devious way of getting information but it is better to find out then to have horrible pictures produced.

Being relaxed around your event photographer will make things go smother. And they should try to make you feel comfortable and relaxed when around them. Later on at the wedding, this will help them to capture the precious photos. If you are nervous around your event photographer you will see that emotion in your wedding pictures.

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Event Photography Money Making Ideas

Posted by | Posted on 12:21 AM

By Don Wong

If you focus on event photography you can make quite a bit of money. It is a varied and widely sought after field of photography.

Here's how you can do it

The key trick is in choosing your market slice. You must choose a slice of the market where people want to keep memories alive in print. It must also be an event that is hard to capture for a not professional so that they will need your services.

One idea is to go to kids sports events. Get permission from the coach to click pics for the parents watching and then start clicking away. If you turn up with a huge telephoto lens like the ones used for pro coverage of events, you will be taken seriously. Make sure you get all the children doing great action shots and then hand out flyers to all the kids' parents watching with your web address. If you can grab the parents email address so you can email them the URL of you site then upload the pics to your web site that day and email everyone. If you have a simple shopping cart set up you can make money in a few hours as people pop in to see the pics and buy them for $20 or more a pop.

You can do a similar thing with weddings. Take all the normal pictures as part of the wedding coverage but then get your URL printed on the wedding invites and all the other wedding materials and also get an email list of all the wedding guests, offer the couple a nice 20% discount for doing this and then take lots of extra pics at the wedding of the guests doing all the things they do. Upload all the pics to your site and send the emails. You will then make a lot more money than the 20% discount it cost you because then 20 or 30 people will be also buying your pics at $20 or more a shot straight from your site. You can also charge a higher price for high resolution pics.

The trick is to find a corner in the market where you can excel by being the best photographer in the room, and offering an easy way for people to buy your photos.

Dog shows, fashion shows, horse shows, car shows, livestock competitions, rock shows, - the list goes on. Keep your eye out in the events section of your local paper to see what is happening. Always ask for permission to shoot pics and if you need to offer the people 10% of the income if feel you need to so you can get easy access.

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Speak Using The Language Of Flowers

Posted by | Posted on 12:16 AM

By Florian Jackson

Since ancient times, flowers have been used as a motion of kindness. We usually gift them to those we care for. We gift flowers to let them find out how important they are, to show appreciation, to celebrate an occasion, or even to sympathize. What we don't know is that giving certain kinds of flowers, and even their colors, actually have definitions of their own.

Floriography: (Language Of Flowers)

During medieval & Renaissance times, flowers were often given moral meanings. This can be widely seen in art where saints are often presented with flowers that represent or symbolize their virtues. Liana DeGirolami Cheney said in an edition of Sixteenth Century Journal that "some of the Christian symbols for Virginity or Chastity are the white rose, the myrtle, a vessel or vase, the lily, and the unicorn."

During the Victorian era, flowers were used initially to create or add emotion. The language of flowers, often called floriography, began being used as a discreet form of communication. In the 18th century, sending coded messages using flowers became popular. Based on Persian Salaam, a Turkish secret language of flowers, a coded bouquet was sent to declare feelings of attraction, even love.

A book entirely about flower interpretations by Madame Charlotte de la Tour, "Le Language des Fleurs," dates back to 1819. A similar book, "Language of Flowers" by Kate Greenaway, was written in 1884 and is still being used today.

Japan also has a language of flowers, which they call "Hanakotoba." Greeting cards created in Japan follow the Hanakotoba code, and still use the flower-language in popular culture such as in movies and animation, like the anime show "Wei Kreuz."

Favorite Flower Meanings

Buy or borrow a dictionary of flowers to see the various meanings and interpretations of flowers. Some of the most well-known flowers and their significances are listed below:

Buttercup - riches Pink carnations - a woman's love Chrysanthemum - love in general Forget-me-not - true love Lavender - devotion, distrust Purple lilac - first emotion of love White lily - purity Peach blossom- long-life Red rose - true love Sunflower - pure and lofty thoughts Yellow tulip - hopeless love

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Choosing the Right Accessories for Cigar Enthusiasts

Posted by | Posted on 1:33 AM

By Dave Sabot

If there is one very common question posed by those who enjoy buying and smoking high-quality cigars it is "Do you remove the plastic wrapper when storing in a humidor?" Unfortunately, this is a question that doesn't have an authoritative answer. Many experts would simply reply that it is a matter of preference, but there are some benefits in choosing to use the humidor AND leaving the cigars in their wrappers while inside the well controlled environment.

Let's first look at cigar wrappers in general and understand how they can be of tremendous benefit to a true aficionado. Firstly, they are made of a material known as cellophane. This has the feel of traditional plastic, with the great exception that it is actually a porous or breathable material. Cellophane can prevent the actual wrapper or leaf of the cigar from sustaining damages, and will also deliver a host of other beneficial services. For instance, if you leave a cigar in its wrapper outside of a controlled-environment it will go stale and be completely ruined in only a matter of days. This is because the air and moisture of the environment can travel in an out of the pores of the wrapper and leave it open to flavor and moisture loss unless it is put into a humid and controlled environment.

One thing that all enthusiasts wonder is if they should leave their gourmet cigars in the special wrappers in which they arrive when they place them inside of their humidors. Well, this can be answered quite simply - yes. Though there is much debate on the issue, most experts agree that the wrappers can reduce the occurrence of flavor mixing that is a problem with unwrapped cigars, and the wrappers can also help the special cigar cutters to remain sharper and cleaner too.

Here too is another item to consider when looking for gifts or accessories for a cigar enthusiast. A good cutter is going to expose the body of the cigar to the flame of the lighter, and if the cigar remains in its wrapper the entire cutting process will be cleaner and easier. Cutters can be very basic and simple, or they can be somewhat elaborate and highly decorative too. They are among the most frequently used items by cigar smokers, and are in fact an absolute necessity.

This all adds up to a somewhat clear-cut answer, which is to opt for leaving the cigar in its original cellophane wrapper whether it remains in the box in which it was purchased or in a climate controlled environment instead.

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What Makes a Bowie Knife?

Posted by | Posted on 1:33 AM

By Dylan Sabot

Not all knives sold as Bowie knives really meet the standards for this legendary weapon and tool. There are distinguishing characteristics that make this knife what it is and which give it its characteristic durability, utility and, when necessary, lethality. This knife design is born of the American Frontier when people needed tools that were as versatile and durable as possible.

The Bowie knife is distinguished from most other knives by its distinctive blade shape. This blade features a "clip" at the end. This feature may look somewhat familiar to fans of sabers and other edged weapons of war. The clip makes it easier for the blade to penetrate into flesh with a thrust, one of the principal strong points of this knife. The clip is the angled section found at the tip of the blade. The knife's wide blade design is made lighter and more deadly by this design and more suitable for fighting.

Unlike most hunting knives, a Bowie knife has a wide and angled hand guard. This is also principally designed for its utility when fighting. The hand guard can deflect other weapons away from the user's hands-hands and arms are major targets in knife fights-and also prevents the user's hand from sliding up the blade if it meets heavy resistance from a thrust. As much as a Bowie is a tool of the frontier, it is also a weapon of war and its namesake owner was legendary for his skill with this particular weapon.

The Bowie knife always has a single edge. This is where it really blends a tool with a weapon. For obvious reasons, double-edges are preferred on many fighting knives. The single edge on a Bowie makes it more practical for the user and lends strength to the blade. The blade is also very thick and wide. In a camping situation, this makes it ideal for chopping and hacking.

Bowie knives are useful tools but, in many jurisdictions, they are illegal to carry. These knives, after all, are weapons and are designed to be lethal. Before heading out of the house with one's Bowie strapped to one's leg, check local laws to make sure carrying such a fearsome knife is legal.

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Methods to Secure Success in Planting and Harvesting a Vegetable Garden

Posted by | Posted on 1:25 AM

By Raymond .N. Winsome

Virtually, all gardening partisans do not get much greater joy than in their vegetable gardens. One of the most satisfying things is to be able to walk out into your garden and be able to harvest and then eat what they, themselves have created through their own hard work. There is a lot more involved in a successful garden then just plainly planting a few seeds in the ground and waiting for vegetables to abruptly appear. Planting is the third footprint in a successful garden.

The first step to having a vegetable garden that is thriving and successful is to cautiously plan. When you start planning your garden, you should consider putting in a few extra plants and donating this extra to a local food bank or a harvest organization. In doing this, you will be helping those who are not fortunate enough or do not have the means to be able to grow their own food.

If you want to have the best outcome achievable, you should keep in mind that when you are creating a successful vegetable garden it should be carefully and exhaustively planned out way in advance and well before you ever start the garden. The most crucial aspect of a vegetable garden is where it is located. The most ideal location for a vegetable garden is in an area that has full sunlight and is close to the house. However, there are a diversity of factors that can make this area unsuitable for your garden. Some of these elements can include things such as water runoff, drainage troubles, quality of the soil, or shade from trees or buildings.

In order to have the best vegetable garden possible it needs to have at least six hours of complete sun every day. There is nothing that can replace this sun necessity. You can use the absolute best fertilizer, provide the best amount of water, or provide special care and none of this will supplant the need for the sun exposure. You should take care to place your garden in an area that does not have outrageous wind because this can potentially dry out your plants or cause them to break off.

Next you will want to set up your soil for planting. The soil needs to be fertile and well drained in order for your garden to be victorious. Your choice as far as the exact type of soil that you use is not near as essential as the fact that it drains easily, has an abundance of organic materials, has very few stones or rocks, and is able to adequately keep in moisture. You will also want to have solid subsoil.

If this is the first year that you have planted a garden in an area, you will have to cultivate and till the soil. If you have planted before, you will simply need to plow in more materials that are organic and fertilizers. Once the area is all set up and has had time to settle and been watered properly, you can check the pH of the soil. This will tell you the amount of acidity. Various vegetables need different amounts of acid to thrive.

After you have prepared your soil, you are now ready to plant your vegetables. You will mark areas with stakes so that you know what is planted where. Once you have done this, you can plant your seeds and get your vegetable starts into the ground. Then, you simply need to monitor your garden and care for it properly. You will also oftentimes check for insects and pest infestations. By following these steps, you will be well on your way to having a garden that is prosperous and that you can be proud of.

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Tool Maintenance Gets Better with a Good Garden Tool Shed

Posted by | Posted on 1:17 AM

By Raymond .N. Winsome

Almost, all good gardeners will testify to the fact that the key to tool longetivity begins with proper maintenance of you tools. Just hosing the dirt and mud off to drying and oiling them to prevent rust, every step will be crucial. Nonetheless, a garden tool shed is the ultimate in proper maintenance when it comes to caring for your tools.

Apparently, leaving your tools outside will finally degrade their value as well as their functionality and sharing a garage with the bikes, cars and other accumulated paraphernalia means you might lose them in all that clutter. A garden tool shed is the solution to decently maintaining your tools as well as knowing precisely where they are.

How to Size Them Up

A garden tool shed can be as large or small as you want it to be but it is safe to say that they should be large enough to properly house your garden tools with each one having their own place. By the same token, if your garden tool shed is too large, this will entice you to use some of the unneeded storage for non-garden related items and eventually they could take over the space.

The foremost thing you should do before building or buying a garden tool shed to assemble is to create a list of all of your tools from a riding lawn mower and weed eater to the smallest garden spade you want to store in it. You want to have an idea of what you are presently working with so that you can get proper measurements while leaving a bit of extra room for maneuvering and additions to your tool collection.

Materials Required For Your Garden Tool Shed

If you are not very handy with a hammer, you might want to look at purchasing either a pre-made garden tool shed or a kit that would take just a little effort to assemble. There are many types of kits available these days in a diversity of styles that could easily integrate with your yard, landscaping and home. From a rustic cabin look to a garden tool shed that resembles a red farm barn, you have a plethora of choices in which to house your tools.

By the same token, these sheds also come in a mixture of materials with wood and metal being superior choices for pre-fabricated tool housing. Nonetheless, there are some very nice and rugged malleable plastic and fiberglass options as well that would stand the test against the outside elements such as the sun, snow and driving rain.

Ultimately, your own tastes, handiness with a hammer or power tool and your budget will determine what garden tool shed you end up with in your yard. Whatever you decide, if you have a homeowner's association that must okay new constructions, be sure they okay the designs for your garden tool shed before you make it.

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What You Can Do To Get More Customers For Your Photography Business

Posted by | Posted on 12:42 AM

By Andy Acmond

If you own a photography business you are always looking for ways to get more customers. Ideally you would want all your business to come from referrals.But if you are just starting your photography business that would be a tall order. So with this article we are going to look at some things you can do to get more customers.

First thing you must accomplish is the promotion of your business and spread the word to your friends, family, and other people that you know and tell them to spread the word.All the network of your immediate circle of people know someone who will get married in the near future.If you can spread the word of your business to more people then the bigger your chance to land a photography job.This technique is mainly used to get wedding jobs but it can also be used to land other photography jobs. In my San Diego wedding photographer business that is how I was able to generate my first clients.

The next thing you can do is try to establish more of an internet presence. This will be good for all kinds of clients but it will really look good for commercial type of work.You will be trusted more if you are already established in the internet. That is how I am able to land good commercial jobs for my San Diego commercial photographer service.

Knowing all the big events that will be happening in your city is the last tip I can give you in bringing more customers to your business.These events would need photographers to document the happenings. By finding out when these big events are coming you give yourself a head start on your competition.

This has helped me do a lot of different events for my San Diego event photography service.If you can let people know that you are available on the said date then the better your chances of landing the job.

So those are a couple of ways for you to try to find some more customers for your services.Just like in any kind of business you have to spread the word to get more customers. By doing these things you will do exactly that.

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MMA Flashback: Strikeforce Light Heavyweight Title Changes Hands As Sobral Tops Southworth

Posted by | Posted on 12:46 AM

By Ross Everett

Renato Babalu Sobral defeated Bobby Southworth by TKO to become Strikeforce light heavyweight champion in the co-main event of the promotions 'Destruction' card on Friday night. Despite leaving with the belt around his waist, it wasn't a highlight reel worthy finish.

A -350 wagering favorite despite his challenger status, Sobral was expected to use his world class Brazilian Jiu Jitsu skills and vast experience against superior competition to dominate the tough but limited Southworth. It didnt happen that way, as Southworth easily got the better of things in the first round.

The first round displayed Southworth's style in microcosm, with much of the frame spent pushing Babalu up against the cage or on the ground inside his guard not really doing much. Sobral had one effective strike the entire round"and it would decide the fight. During a clinch against the cage wall the challenger rocked Southworth with a hard elbow strike that not only busted his nose but opened a huge cut over his right eye.

Upon seeing the gusher of blood Referee John McCarthy brought the ringside physician over to take a look. As Southworth's corner futilely worked on the gaping wound during the break the doctor once again took a look and better realizing the severity and placement of the cut recommended to McCarthy that the fight be stopped. The veteran official complied, awarding Sobral the TKO victory and the championship belt.

The other half of the co-main event was decided in much more decisive fashion as Scott Smith knocked out well traveled veteran Terry Martin in a mere :24 seconds. The rap against Martin has always been that hes a slow starter, but he had the right gameplan in theory as he pushed Smith to the cage wall right after the opening bell. Unfortunately, Martin didn't adequately close the distance against a fighter dubbed 'Hands of Steel' and was caught with a perfectly placed punch that knocked him out cold.

In the semifinal event, Duane 'Bang' Ludwig defeated Yves Edwards by unanimous decision in a very closely contested bout. Edwards was originally slated to face lightweight champion Josh Thomson until a toe injury necessitated his withdrawal.

Earlier in the evening, Kim Couture made short work of overmatched Lina Kvokov as she TKOd her foe in 1:44 of the first round. Couture, the wife of UFC legend Randy Couture, gained even more notoriety for the courage she displayed in her professional debut last June. She had a much easier time here"despite the fact that both fighters entered with 0-1 records Couture was significantly more polished as she put Kvokov on the defensive from the outset with her sharp punching combinations. She recovered momentarily and survived the initial onslaught. The reprieve was only temporary, however, as Couture launched another barrage of punches prompting the referee to step in and wave off the non-competitive affair.

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Raiders Stun Eagles For Second Win Of NFL Season

Posted by | Posted on 12:44 AM

By Ross Everett

The Oakland Raiders scored the only touchdown of the game in the first quarter and then prevailed in the kicking duel that followed en route to a--9 upset of the visiting Philadelphia Eagles. Much maligned quarterback Jamarcus Russell played his best game of the season despite two interceptions, throwing for 224 yards and a touchdown. Oakland now stands at 2-4 while Philadelphia slid to 3-2.

NFL betting enthusiasts who backed the Raiders as a whopping +14 home underdog were never in any trouble as Oakland took the lead late in the first quarter and never relinquished it. Oakland evened their mark against the NFL pointspread at 3-3, while the Eagles dropped to 3-2 against the number. The 22 points scored went well UNDER the posted total of 40'. It was the Raiders' fourth UNDER in six outings, while it was the Eagles' first UNDER of the season against four OVER verdicts.

After the contest, Raiders' coach Tom Cable said for the first time all season his team focused their intensity in the right direction:

"We went out and threw a fight on somebody and said, 'Enough. Let's play. That's all you can say. There's no magic words or anything like that."

Last week's 44-7 loss to the New York Giants may have served a wakeup call to the Raiders. In particular, they were offended by comments made by Giants' linebacker Antonio Pierce that the game 'felt like playing a scrimmage'. Raiders' wide receiver Louis Murphy didn't dispute the comments but instead took them to heart:

"That gave me extra fuel. You have to look yourself in the mirror and man up. His comments were true. We played flat. We didn't play with any emotion. This game was totally different. We took those comments to heart."

The Raiders' defense received the bulk of the credit for the victory as they pressured Donovan McNabb all day, sacking him six times. The Eagles became the first team in three years to not score an offensive touchdown against the Raiders. Richard Seymour and Trevor Scott each had a pair of sacks, and Scott had the following observation:

"I'm sure they watched the Giants game and thought we were sorry. But all week coach Cable talked about persevering and forget the past and move forward so we can get to where we want to go."

After the game, McNabb had little to say:

"I'm embarrassed by the way we came out here and played. We're a much better football team."

The Raiders will try to put together an actual winning streak as they host the New York Jets next Sunday. Oakland is a +7 home underdog with the total set at 35. They'll play their hated rivals the San Diego Chargers on the road the following Sunday before a bye week. Philadelphia will play the Redskins at Washington next Monday night. The Eagles are a -6' road favorite with the total set at 38'.

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Boston Bruins' Scoring Legend Phil Esposito

Posted by | Posted on 12:41 AM

By Ross Everett

Though his scoring records have been obliterated by Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux, former Boston Bruins/New York Rangers center Phil Esposito is still regarded by hockey cognoscenti as one of the greatest offensive players in the history of the game. He is a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, as is his brother Tony Esposito who was a standout goaltender for the Chicago Blackhawks.

Esposito was born in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario and his prodigious hockey talent quickly became apparent. He was signed by the Chicago Blackhawks as a teenager, and made his NHL debut in'64. In'67, Esposito was traded to the Boston Bruins along with Ken Hodge and Fred Stanfield. Within a few years Hodge and Stanfield blossomed into All Stars, while Esposito quickly took his place alongside his former teammate Hull as the best scorer in the league.

It was as a Bruin that 'Espo' began his onslaught against the NHL record book.. In'69, he became the first NHL player to top the 100 point mark (combined goals and assists) for the season"he obliterated the record with 126 points, which would be the first of six times that hed top the century mark. He topped 100 points in five straight seasons between'71 and'75, missing a sixth straight season by a single point with 99 in'70.

Esposito's greatest single season was in'70-71, when he destroyed the NHL's single season goal scoring mark with 76. That record stood until Wayne Gretzky of the Edmonton Oilers broke it in'81-82. Even now, only four other players including Gretzky have scored more than 150 points in a season and only five others have scored more than 76 goals in a season. Perhaps the most amazing element of Espositos game was the frequency with which he put the puck on net"Espo had 550 shots on goal in'70-71. No one has since come close.

In'75, Esposito was traded to the New York Rangers where his experience, intelligence for the game and nose for the puck made him a valuable component of the Broadway Blueshirts offense and he was named team captain. Until the very end of his career, he remained a dangerous scoring threat that all opposing teams were forced to reckon with.

After his retirement in'75, he remained active in hockey. He served as the GM of the Rangers before helping secure an expansion team for Tampa, Florida in'92. Esposito served as the President and GM of the Tampa Bay Lightning until'98. After stepping away from formal duties, he's remained a very visible member of the hockey media. He hosts a daily hockey radio show on XM Radio, and has even done some acting appearing in a recurring role as a fire chief on the TV series Rescue Me.

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Washington Offense In A State Of Flux

Posted by | Posted on 12:33 AM

By Ross Everett

The Washington Redskins are a mess right now. Head coach Jim Zorn has a tenuous hold on his job at best and has recently been stripped of his offensive play calling duties. Management installed newly hired 'offensive consultant' Sherman Lewis as the new offensive play caller and the team has set up an awkward arrangement for him to get the plays to the quarterbacks. For that reason, starting QB Jason Campbell has some serious misgivings about the efficacy of the setup.

Lewis has only been out of retirement and with the team for two weeks, and has spent this week trying to ingest a crash course on the Redskins' offensive schemes. While he was learning on the job, head coach Zorn was trying to put the best spin possible on what can only be seen as a de facto demotion:

"I need to have composure. I need to understand what the reality of the situation is, and I think our players expect me to rise up. We expect them to play under adverse conditions. We expect them to risk it all. ... I'm conscious of what's going on. I'm not naive about what's going on, and yet I have to just hold back on any feelings and make the decisions."

Quarterback Campbell is more concerned about the convoluted system of getting plays from Lewis to him:

"There'll probably be a couple of plays I have in my head just in case if some reason it doesn't get in on time."

Here's how things are supposed to work-Lewis will sit in the coaches' box above the field and read the plays off a sheet. While Lewis has years of experience working in the so called 'West Coast Offense', Zorn left doubt that he really knows what he's doing at this point stressing that Lewis "doesn't know the protections" and "doesn't know the blitz schemes." Nevertheless, he'll be running the offense when the Redskins take on Philadelphia this Monday night.

Once Lewis figures out what to call, that's when it really gets tricky. He'll relay the plays via headset not to Zorn but to offensive coordinator Sherman Smith. Smith will then inform the quarterback what to run. Zorn is left in the role of a passive bystander on offense, though he will listen in to the playcalling on his headset.

Backup quarterback Todd Collins also shared his concern with the new arrangement:

"It is unsettling. I've never gone through this before. I've never had a play caller get changed in the middle of the season."

Lewis didn't exactly evoke a lot of confidence upon his hiring, where he revealed that he'd been calling bingo games at a seniors' center to kill time since his retirement in 2004. Still, Collins gave him a guarded vote of confidence;

"I know he's been studying last year's game against the Eagles and seems to have a pretty good idea how he wants to call the game this week. It's the same plays. He might coach them a little differently or highlight some different areas, but the offense hasn't gone under an overhaul or anything like that."

The Redskins haven't scored more than 17 points in a game this season, so maybe the thinking is that things can't get any worse. The NFL odds for Monday Night's game show the Eagles a -7 road favorite with the total set at 37'.

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An Introduction To NFL Preseason Handicapping

Posted by | Posted on 12:30 AM

By Ross Everett

There's not much 'middle ground' when it comes to the desirability of betting NFL preseason games. The overly conservative handicappers suggest that its a poor wagering opportunity, while the 'boiler room' sports touts try to suggest that short of a fixed game there's no more sure thing than preseason football. There's a degree of truth in both views. Handicapping preseason NFL football is a unique discipline unto itself, but with knowledge and caution it can be a profitable endeavor.

The most compelling argument against preseason wagering is simply that the games don't count. While there are often spots during the regular season where teams may seem more or less motivated, in theory they all want to win. That's not something that can be taken as a 'given' during the preseason, however, as the individual agendas of NFL coaching staffs can very widely. Some might want to win games to establish a winning attitude, others might put a greater focus on working in a new offensive or defensive scheme. Others may prioritize evaluating talent at key positions, while others may simply want to make it through to the regular season without any significant injuries. With all of the uncertainty swirling around preseason football, handicapping wins and losses against the pointspread can be exceedingly difficult.

The preseason NFL betting enthusiast would suggest, however, that it is the uncertainty that characterizes these games that makes for such a strong wagering opportunity. For example, in a matchup between a championship level team and a losing team you often see strongly divergent approaches to the game. Successful teams have more to worry about in terms of player injuries, fewer areas in which they need to evaluate talent, and more continuity in the areas of coaching and team chemistry. They often view preseason games as a chore, and have little interest in their outcome as long as they keep their superstars healthy.

NFL 'doormats', meanwhile, have a markedly different agenda to their more successful counterparts. They've often got heated competition for starting positions or key back up roles. They've often got new coaching staffs that players want to impress. Most significantly, they're in great need of establishing a winning attitude. A win against an elite team in a 'meaningless' preseason game often has a much greater value to this type of team than to a playoff contender.

Even teams that put a low priority on preseason games don't want to lose them all. For this reason, a longterm winning situation has been to bet on teams that lose their first two preseason games outright. Over the past twenty years, 0-2 teams in this spot have produced a winning percentage right around 60%.

Perhaps nothing determines a team's approach to the preseason more than the philosophy of the head coach. Some coaches simply hate to lose anytime they line 'em up to play football, and as a result their teams are usually good preseason bets. Bill Parcells was famous for the preseason focus of his teams. Not surprisingly, many who worked with Parcells earlier in their careers are now carving out their own records of preseason success. This sort of dominance isn't lost on the linesmaker and a coach like the Giants' Tom Coughlin (a former Parcells assistant) will have his ATS success will definitely been factored into the pointspread. Still, a motivated team that wants to win is always worthy of consideration.

The Internet has become a very valuable weapon in the NFL preseason handicapper's arsenal. Simply following the local media reports of NFL teams can often produce a wealth of 'mission critical' betting information. The combination of anxious beat writers, little in the way of 'real' news, and a less guarded approach by coaches to games that 'don't count' can often reveal game strategies, playing time for key personnel, or even a team's specific agenda for a particular game. Sometime coaches will come right out and say that evaluating a certain position, or working on a specific offensive scheme is their top priority for a game. It's a great way to find not only good teams to bet on, but strong situations to go against teams that are focused on something other than outscoring their opponent.

In conclusion, there are certainly strong opportunities for profit in NFL preseason wagering but its essential to understand that it cannot be approached in the same manner as the regular season. And, as always, its important to remember that there will be more strong opportunities down the road and that discipline and rigor in handicapping is just as crucial in the preseason NFL as it is at any other time of the year.

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Necessary Skills For Event Photography

Posted by | Posted on 1:21 AM

By Rita Phang

Event photography has always been an attractive business for the creatively inclined. In various events, like sports events, weddings, and even business meets, the event photographer is given an appealing fee for making use of his expertise. People want to treasure such events and reminisce about them fondly through the photos, which is why event photography is so significant.

Any professionally trained photographer can indulge in event photography and be competent in it. But in order to be good at it there are a few things that must be remembered.

The first thing to consider is the type of event that is being photographed and the ultimate use of the pictures. For instance, while capturing a corporate event, whose pictures would most probably be included in an in-house newsletter, you must try to capture the exact order of the happenings in the event and show how the event unfolded in a clear manner through your photos. However, if you have to photograph an informal party, then you should concentrate on the people and their expressions throughout the event in your photographs.

Being alert is a crucial skill for event photography. You should be completely conscious of what is going on around you and should be able to decide when to take a photograph. Employers are also favourable towards hiring photographers who comprehend what is happening around them and do not need to be constantly told about when to click a picture. This is a skill which comes with experience but you have to make a continuous effort from your side.

Familiarity with the site where the event is being organized is useful during event photography. You must be aware of the spots where most of the action is going to take place and the ideal spots that would allow you to click good photographs of the event.

As far as the technical aspects are concerned, always ensure that you are familiar with your camera and all its features, so that you can quickly click pictures from tough angles and not miss key moments. A crucial aspect of photography is lighting, and any expert event photographer must pay special attention to it by figuring out before the event how much light the site will be able to offer. On the basis of this knowledge, you must be ready with proper equipment and with the camera in the correct settings.

Finally, an event photographer also needs to have a friendly personality. You must be able to connect with the people you have to photograph. If you are able to interact with the people and understand the spirit of the event then the group would be more at ease and the photos will be much better.

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A Story About Fences

Posted by | Posted on 12:47 AM

By Jim Falk

Speaking of naked and exposed, I am assuming that there is a possibility that these people are - in addition to the BIG fencing - fencing that surrounds the lower part of their personal property. Yeah? Why? Do they not trust their neighbors, which are dependent on the division of community safety? Maybe you are not certain that the fence is really BIG big enough to do its job? Or maybe they want the privacy of their personal enclosure that really allow them to be ... ahem ... Not so naked and exposed in the comfort of your garden.

So we use fences for security and privacy. OK, realizing the necessity of all semi-adherent seven points more than three seconds to clear each and every one of them may not be all that effective in eliminating mischievous marauders. But what the hell, if you feel better ...

Let's move onto the transition to a small town. Take a look at the fence. Looking around, I see some four feet fence in the chain of back yards. Since almost everyone has two to three feet fences, thinking for a few seconds I would guess they are not built for security. It is obvious that neither of them care for privacy. So, what is their purpose? Oh, c'mon, you know. This is to prevent children from chasing squirrels out into the street - and to maintain the dogs from roaming off the night carousing and barking at strangers that happen to walk by. Oh, there may or may not be a dog or child currently living in the household, but you can know with almost absolute certainty that it once was.

However, what happens if the fences are so high, stable, secure that the fence blocks off all traffic? Oh, you'll see a little here and there about some of the premises. That is about it. Except that on-site decorative picket fence or rail may be installed to add a split log rustic look of the property. Hmmm, interesting, right? It is interesting that people who live in this small town feel so safe. Secure in myself and the comfort that they really know and communicate with their neighbors (translation: "friends") - and with the knowledge that their neighbors care enough to actually watch all the property to make sure no one just " snoopin "around".

What about privacy? What is this? If you plan to be doing something that you do not want to see someone else, I guarantee you that you back up in the house drapes. Other than that, nobody really cares if the neighbors are watching them mow the lawn or work in the garden. This is perfectly acceptable, and even merits a wave or a short conclusions maple or on the porch. (Ya gotta take a break from the task once, you know.)

The only fences you will see in this neck of the woods are those which have been made to prevent livestock (which would be like horses, cows, goats and pigs for you city slickers) from wandering off to nearby property. This is only common sense thing to do. Moreover, if we expect to personally benefit from the neighbor Betty is a fantastic tomato crop next year, would be wise to our cows from trampling her garden!

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Bridal Photography - A Different Look

Posted by | Posted on 12:32 AM

By Joel Wong

Wedding photography includes pictures of the couple before the marriage, as well as coverage of the actual event and reception. The two approaches in bridal photography are traditional and photojournalistic. Traditional wedding photography consists of classically posed images. In this approach, there is much interaction with the photographer on the day of the wedding. In the photojournalistic approach, the images recorded are much more subtle with less photographer interaction. These two approaches are the two extremes of photographic styles. Today most photographers will side with one of the two styles.

There are certain things to keep in mind while hiring a photographer to cover your wedding. Every photographer possesses an individual style. It takes some research from your side to decide who you want to photograph your wedding. To find the perfect photographer you should start looking well ahead of time. If you are hiring a wedding photojournalist to cover your wedding, it is recommended that you focus more on the creative side than on the business process involved. One shouldn't be concerned about comparing various package details or the number of prints he is going to get. Take care of all the last minute details so your photographer isn't preoccupied with thoughts about payment on your wedding day.

Don't boss your photographer around all the time. Nobody wants to be pushed around, not even your photographer so ask your guests to be polite as well. No photographer likes to be directed as to what to shoot and how to do it. The more there's third party interaction, the less creativity in the photography. Sometimes the relatives and friends are so preoccupied in instructing the photographer that they almost miss the entire wedding.

As always, trust is a major factor that affects your relationship with the photographer. Not everything can be controlled on your wedding day, so you will need to come to terms with that. That's another reason why you hired a professional to capture all the beautiful moments of the wedding day.

Most importantly, do not starve your photographer. On a interesting point - always make sure your photographer is fed! He would be the last person you want to starve. And try not to give your photographer a very long list of things to do. He might not get what you actually hired him to do.

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Saving Money On Wedding Photography

Posted by | Posted on 12:32 AM

By Judy Wong

Sometimes the cost of wedding photography can be high in price. Every bride wants that perfect picture that captures that special day, but can not afford to pay through the roof for it. Here are a few money saving tips when budgeting for wedding photography.


An excellent place to advertise is at a local college or university They will have fresh skills and ideas when it comes to wedding photography, and they will cost a lot less.

Go digital

Go digital instead of getting prints. This keeps your hard earned money in your pocket. You can now choose this as an option because most photographers will offer you the idea. You can get all of your photos on a CD rather then prints and proofs. Online photo developers can be a lot cheaper so it is a good idea to look into them.

Create Your Own Album

A great way to personalize all your pages in your album is to try scrap booking. No one will know your wedding and guests like you do. Scrap booking your wedding photography is a great way to go through your pictures and reflect on the moments. You will enjoy creating your album and not only that but you will also save hundreds of dollars opposed to having your photographer design an album, and they may not include pictures that your friends sent you as well.

You can choose how long you need the photographer for

How long do you really need your photographer around you? Instead of having them come with you when you re getting your hair done, make up done, and dress sized just get them to come for the ceremony and a bit of the celebration afterwards. Your bridesmaids will be able to take the pictures of the preparation for you and you will be surprised how many other people will send you their copies as well.

Did you think about disposables?

Having disposable cameras at the reception is also an excellent idea. After everything is said and done all you have to do is drop them off at a photo development outlet, then go through the ones you really like and make larger prints for frames around your house. You will probably end up getting a few funny photos but a lot of wonderful ones as well. This will also give you a wide variety of pictures because your guests will be taking pictures of each other and not just at the bride and groom. This will add detail to your album.

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Some Essential Considerations Before Engaging A Corporate Photographer

Posted by | Posted on 12:30 AM

By KC Walter

Corporate photography falls within the larger sphere of commercial photography. Nevertheless, it is a demanding art with its own subtleties.

The difference between corporate photography and other types of commercial photography are many. In other types of photography, the photographer has the advantage of doing retakes until he gets the right angle to click the ideal picture, but corporate photography is basically one-click-and-it's-over business. That is why it is critical to hire someone who can do the job well.

Corporate events are unpredictable and the photographer has to be prepared for the unexpected turns of events. He must know how to analyse rationally and practically so that he can act without delay. Someone who is alert and displays urgency besides having an overall sense of what is going on around him can work well as a corporate photographer.

An important task included in a corporate photographer's job profile is clicking headshots of the senior management at an event. The headshots are either meant for archival records or are printed in business publications along with the relevant news feature. Hence the photographer must have a remarkably good hand at clicking such photographs.

The nature of corporate photography is so different that hiring a photographer on his reputation alone can go terribly wrong. A popular wedding photographer might think that managing a corporate event is simple, but he could very easily be shocked on facing the real challenge. Marriages usually have a well defined series of events, so a photographer can relax and keep a tab on the ceremonies by following the sequence. In corporate photography, events happen without any warning and alertness is crucial. That is why a photographer with prior experience in shooting corporate events must always be preferred

There are several business requirements associated with corporate photography and the above mentioned tips would help you to hire a really professional corporate photographer. However, to verify all the photographer's claims, you must always look at samples of his earlier work.

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Launch a Footwear Collection with the Most Stylish Sneakers

Posted by | Posted on 12:16 AM

By Trevor C. Westin

Shoe collections can get rather costly if you aren't buying the cheapest shoes possible to add into your expanding inventory. Collections are a natural part of human life. Some people collect coins, other collect shoes. In order to keep your passion alive (and have the perfect shoes for every outfit) buying the cheapest shoes are necessary these days.

Many shoe collectors are moving into the online shoe store venue in order to find the best shoes for adding to the basic inventory. As most shoe collectors know, the best shoes for adding into the stock are the ones that are unique, wearable, and even should we dare say, fun?

The value that you get from online shoe stores equates to that which you are used to when it comes to the more traditional stores. Since some collectors are having a difficult time finding the shoes that they want they are starting to realize the need for online shoe stores. Without having to give up simple things like quality, the collection is bigger without being more expensive.

Really, overpriced shoes don't belong in a shoe collection. Having too many of the costly shoes means that you have fewer shoes. Inventory is important when building up any collection, and when you can blend your inventory with quality, well made shoes, you're in business. If you want the quality footwear that you need to put on your feet or you want quality footwear for your own private unwearable collection, the cheapest shoes can still be the best quality shoes.

Shoe collectors are an original bunch, and you are all unique. Many shoe collectors love to find the cheapest shoes because they feel better about wearing them. The number of shoe collectors that like the slip on their pairs from time to time seem to overwhelm the number of buy it and store it collectors. The cheapest shoes that add to your inventory are comfortable and wearable with class and style.

Of course, if you on the opposite side of the spectrum if you favor keeping your collection pristine and are not prone to wearing the cheapest shoes you collect, you will also be able to retain a high level of quality for years to come. Online shoe stores offer such a wide variety you may very well need some more room to store your collection.

Many online shoe stores not only can offer you the cheapest shoes, but they also tend to have an inventory to die for. With all of their new and unusual styles ready to be discovered by the avid collector, the online selection tends to last a bit longer than those in the store.

You'll be able to find all of the cheapest shoes right online and they can even be delivered to your door. If you suddenly remember that you need some of the classic styles or you have decided to change the tone of your collection, the online shoe store is the first place to visit.

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2012 - Surviving The Coming Earth Changes

Posted by | Posted on 1:01 AM

By Dr. Jay Polmar

The big hullabaloo from Roland Emmerich's film 2012, and all the disaster films we've been seeing for the last 50-60 years or so is scaring the heck out of viewers. So badly are they scared of the end that they are watching the same movies of disaster, over and over, with different actors, different titles, and different producers - all aimed to scare you and empty your pockets.

Do you think the world is coming to an end? The World Isn't Coming To An End, it's just Hollywood, trying to make a buck.

Let's get real. Let's discuss some of the pin-point targets:

1. The World Will End With Planetary Alignment and the repositioning of the Earth along the Galactic Equator - .... R-I-G-H-T! The phenomena of placement of the stars and galaxies in space is not new. These things have occurred before, and it wasn't the end of the world. Actually, the date predicted, Winter Solstice, 2012 is not as significant as other astronomical phenomena happening before this. This is just fear-mongering of the formerly unemployed ' of the world writers' with nothing better to do than create movies to scare the bejesus out of little kids.

2. The Mayan Prophesy says the world is coming to an end. There is no known prophesy that the world is coming to an End and whoever said that should know that it can't be. The records of the Maya civilization were effectively destroyed, like all other Meso-American histories by the Conquering Spanish, and what was kept - was kept in secret archives to keep the truth away from the public because it would destroy the Catholic Church. The evidence indicated that the majority of the Meso-American population was, in fact, the lost tribes of Israel. This was written by Franciscan Monks at the time of the invasion, and British and other archeologists later. The actual Mayan Prophesy was simple - 'Live naturally, in natural time, or your biosphere (Earth - our mother ship) would not survive. We'll we did it. No lying about that. For the past umpteen years, we have been just like conquerors, raping, murdering, and killing mother earth. OOPS! I didn't do it - you didn't do it - the politicians allowed it - all for greed. Oil, Gold, Silver - rape the earth suffers the consequences. The end date of the Mayan Calendar had nothing to do with the end of the planet, it had to do with the end of an era.

2a. It's important to note that when the Earth was first inhabited there was something of a 3 degree axis tilt and the planet was green, and water blue, and life was abundant. What by the name of God have we done to our mother?

2b. And now, YIKES, we're at 23 degree wobble now. Yes, something is happening, changes are occurring, but it's not the end. It scares people to think that changes are coming - people fear change. CHANGE IS GOOD!

2c. Will people will die? Of course, people are already dying. Yes, we've burned fossil fuels, destroyed our air, cut down our forests, created deserts where there were none before and previously the planet cleansed itself with great floods. People are dying, we are more aware since Hurricane Katrina, that things are not right due to global warming, and Tsunamis, great floods, and thousands more deaths in countries where floods were a rarity.

2d. Many species are dying. Faster than ever before species are disappearing. One indication that might be considered, or two, are the frog population which began disappearing a few years back, and the bees. We are impacting nature and we don't step lightly - our footprint is huge and visible, and we are destroying all of life without mistreatment of our mother.

2e. More diseases, more horrible, more incurable - a sick society and planet produce all forms of diseases.

3. It's obviously human nature - It's obvious that the nature of the human being is to conquer. The continuous development of warfare, atomic, and nuclear weaponry is solely aimed at the destruction of mankind and hurting the planet. Previously, we had been the only big bully playing with nukes, now every schoolyard bully has them and someone is likely to play war games just to demonstrate my 'rocket' is bigger than your 'rocket'.

3a. The Belief in Ancient Religions - I must mention this, because this is the greatest manipulation of human beings' behavior on Earth. Sorry, priests, ministers, rabbis, I honor you all for what you know, but your DOGMA is not helping the situation. Each one of you has chosen an individual branch as path of the Tree of Life, and none of you are on the Expressway to God. Please stop telling your people they are sinners - as men of God, many of you have been caught with your own pants down around your ankles and some honey taking some money for some SINFUL and LUSTFUL experience you needed to have. You dirty old sinner you. It may not have been you, but we all know of whom I speak. I am not judging you - just stop judging others and stop playing the blame game which results in guilt. As you know - guilt has absolutely no survival value, it is responsible for many illnesses that do not resolve and result in death. Stop guilting others, or ...

3b. Humans Mistreat Each Other, Animals, Plants, and Mother Earth Too - imagine all the drilling, the cutting of trees, the burning of fields, everything normal and beautiful of earth destroyed by greed to steal the resources and be billionaires, all at the cost of our mother. Imagine our planet as a great big fluffy dog, filled with life. And the dog feels the burring of something drilling into it - just like a flea. And another, burning like burning the trees - the dog begins to scratch and shake fiercely and the fleas fall off. You got a parachute for when this happens to us?

4. The Mayan Calendar is Ending - Interestingly enough does end on the Winter Solstice, 2012. Why? Not because it's the end of the world - it's just the end of the 5th Cycle of Life on the Planet. The 6th Cycle that begins immediately thereafter and is called the Age of Enlightenment. It's sounds like an exciting time to be alive - so get prepared!

WELCOME - this is reality.

Many of us will fall off, many of us will die. Those who are not prepared, and those who think they are better or more greater, more important or more powerful than Mother Earth that we live on, will suffer.

Richard Branson is really making his fleet of Intergalactic Space ships to take the rich and wealthy off the planet, just like Roland Emmerich has set of Arks in his movie. Branson's ticket price is much cheaper.


In 1987, the Harmonic Convergence, which was written about by Dr. Jose Arguelles, and my participation in it - by doing long travels through endless ruins, culminating at the El Tule Tree in Oaxaca in Mexico, spoke the prophesy that we had 25 years left of life as we knew it. We must return to natural, non-destructive living. Oops Earthlings, you blew it!

The cards are on the table. Disasters are not caused by nature but by those politicians who paid no heed to the warnings 20-30 years ago. Politicians refused to grant health to the planet at Kyoto and the disastrous earth changes continued. Want someone to blame - Blame George W. Bush!

What can the scenario possibly be -- to cause the end of life as we know it? Who knows, asteroids, meteorites, some crazy Anti-Semitic Iranian ex-president who stole the presidency from the people in order to try to wipe out the State of Israel, some angry Korean president who is dying because of his anger at the United States over a 60 year old situation, or errors by our own major powers in their thinking that nuclear energy is stable enough to survive what our earth going through with hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons, earthquakes, while this huge dog is shaking off us fleas.


Like a Boy Scout: Be prepared. More than anything else - it's your mind and soul that need preparation. Since we all know that the soul is immortal, you will survive in one form or another. We have prepared the first of several guides on survival. This first one was just updated Nov. 2009, originally written in 1991 - to help you survive what is undoubtedly going to be a life-changing experience.

The title is - "The World is a Mess, and We Are Responsible - Isn't It Time To THINK RIGHT?

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Delhomme Continues To Struggle In Panthers' Loss To Bills

Posted by | Posted on 12:57 AM

By Ross Everett

Carolina Panthers' quarterback Jake Delhomme is having a season he'd like to forget, and things got even worse on Sunday at home against the Buffalo Bills. Despite dominating the Bills on the stat sheet, Delhomme threw three interceptions that allowed Buffalo to take a 20-9 victory over the struggling Panthers. Delhomme threw for 325 yards, though without any touchdowns. His three picks pushed his total for the year to- which leads the NFL.

Buffalo rewarded NFL pointspread players with the outright victory as +7 road underdogs. The Bills have covered four of their seven games this season, while the Panthers have an awful record against the spread-they've only covered once this season for a 1-5 ATS mark. The 29 combined points went UNDER the posted total of 37.

The Bills' Terrell Owens was again a non-factor, but gave credit to the defense for earning the victory:

"You can't really complain about a win. Defensively, those guys are keeping us in ballgames."

Buffalo defensive end Chris Kelsay commended his team's performance on the road:

"Never once on the sidelines was there any doubt that we were going to win the game. Regardless if it's an ugly win over not, it's hard to win in this league."

Ryan Fitzpatrick started at QB for Buffalo in place of the injured Trent Edwards and was solid, if not spectacular. Coach Dick Jauron observed:

"He made the plays when we had to make them."

Panthers' coach John Fox has said he's going to're-evaluate' whether the struggling Delhomme should continue to start, and even the quarterback himself couldn't make an emphatic case that he should keep his job:

"In my heart, yeah, but I mean let's be honest, I don't think I'm a dummy. When you're not playing well offensively, you always have to look at the quarterback."

The Panthers' schedule doesn't get easier this week as they head west for a game against the improving Arizona Cardinals. Carolina is a +9 road underdog with the total set at 43'. They'll head south the following week to face the red hot New Orleans Saints before returning home on November 15 to take on the Atlanta Falcons. Buffalo will host the Houston Texans this weekend, with the game currently off the board due to injuries on both teams. They'll have their bye week after that and will return to action on November 15 against the Tennessee Titans.

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Carolina Thumps Slumping Tampa Bay

Posted by | Posted on 12:47 AM

By Ross Everett

Carolina Panthers' quarterback Jake Delhomme struggled on Sunday against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and was fortunate that his running backs bailed him out. Delhomme threw for only 65 yards with two interceptions, but D'Angelo Williams (152 yards) and Jonathan Stewart (110 yards) kept the chains moving as the Panthers won their second straight game defeating the Bucs 28-21. Tampa Bay has now lost ten straight dating back to last season and are 0-6 for the first time since'85. Carolina improved to 2-3 with the victory.

NFL sports bettors were faced with a choice between two teams with dismal ATS records in this game, and those who had the guts to take a 1-3 team as a -3 road favorite were rewarded with the cover. It was Carolina's first NFL pointspread cover of the season and left them with a 1-4 record against the number. Tampa Bay has covered one of their six games this year. The 49 points scored went OVER the total of 40'. Tampa Bay has gone OVER in 4 of 6, while Carolina has exceeded the total in three of their five games.

Delhomme attempted only seven passes in the second half, but the way Williams and Stewart were running there was no reason to put the ball in the air. Williams said that even though Tampa Bay knew what was coming they couldn't stop the Panthers' running game:

"I'm sure everybody in the stadium knew what we were going to do. There were times they had nine in the box and we were still getting 7 or 8 yards."

There's been little impatience locally with Bucs' rookie head coach Raheem Morris, but his weekly habit of explaining the obvious to rationalize yet another loss is starting to wear thin:

"We got overpowered at the end, and really throughout the game."

Carolina safety Dante Wesley was ejected after clobbering Bucs' return man Clifton Smith after a fair catch call. After the game, Wesley gave this defense for his actions:

"I was just trying to make a play. You can check my record. I've never really tried to hurt anybody. I've never tried to take a cheap shot on anybody."

Wesley could face a possible fine or suspension from the NFL but, in all fairness, it did appear to be a momentary mental lapse as he was trying to make a big play and not a deliberate attempt to injure Smith.

Tampa's schedule has the look of them going from 'the frying pan into the fire' as they host the New England Patriots next Sunday-fresh off of their 57 point drubbing of Tennessee. Carolina has an easier draw, hosting the Buffalo Bills next Sunday. The game is currently off the board pending the status of Bills' QB Trent Edwards who suffered a concussion in Sunday's win over the New York Jets. The Panthers will then play on the road the following two Sundays, traveling to Arizona and New Orleans.

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Japan MMA Flashback: Aoki Dominates JZC At DREAM 2

Posted by | Posted on 12:44 AM

By Ross Everett

After a controversial no contest in their first matchup, there was no doubt as to the winner of the DREAM 2 rematch between Shina Aoki and JZ Calvan. Aoki controlled the fight from the opening bell and used a wide repertoire of submission attempts to keep his opponent off balance. Most impressive was Aokis dominance of the ground game, which many observers considered to be JZs edge in the contest.

Aoki scored early with a takedown and controlled Calvan on the ground, working a heel lock attempt before taking his opponents back and attempting a rear naked choke. In the second, Aoki put on a submission clinic and demonstrated his ungodly flexibility as he spun from an armbar to a triangle choke and back again. Calvan was able to counter or escape, but looked completely out of sync as he generated almost no offense whatsoever.

Aoki was very emotional in his postfight speech to the crowd, while JZC just looked disgusted with himself for losing such a one sided contest.

With the victory Aoki advances to the semifinals of the lightweight GP tournament. Aoki has made some statements in the Japanese press leading up to the fight that win or lose there would be no way hed be ready for the next round with only half the preparation time as the rest of the field. Hopefully the impressive victory and the enthusiastic response from the holiday week Tokyo crowd will change his mind.

The rest of the card was devoted to the opening round of the middleweight GP tournament. Taiei Kin defeated Minowa-man Ikuhisa Minowa in a very closely contested and entertaining fight. Despite Kin taking a 3-0 unanimous decision (DREAM judges, like their PRIDE predecessors, judge the fight in its entirety) the first round could have gone either way. Minowa was clearly tired in the 2nd, and that likely sealed the deal for Kin.

Korean judoka Yoon Dong-Sik also advanced with a unanimous decision victory over Shungo Oyama. Most of the damage in this fight came from Yoons ground and pound from full mount, and he controlled the tempo from the outset. Two one sided contests followed, with Zeleg Galesic submitting Magomed Sultanakhmadov via arm bar in a minute and a half of the first round. That was followed by the MMA debut of former Pac 10 wrestling standout Ian Murphy, who had a worst case scenario draw against BJJ specialist Ronaldo Jacare.

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Cleveland Manages To Beat Buffalo Despite Offensive Struggles

Posted by | Posted on 12:38 AM

By Ross Everett

In a matchup between two of the worst offenses in the NFL, someone had to win. Despite producing only 9 first downs and'3 yards of total offense, the Cleveland Browns got a late game field goal from Billy Cundiff to defeat the Buffalo Bills 6-3 and win their first game of the season. The Bills had the more productive afternoon statistically, with- first downs and 288 yards of offense but were undone by three costly turnovers. Both teams are now 1-4 on the 2009 NFL season. Neither team appears to be headed anywhere but down in the NFL standings.

To successfully bet on the NFL, one needs to find opportunities to play underdogs"this is particularly true in games where neither team is expected to put many points on the board. Such was the case here, as Cleveland easily covered the pointspread as +6 road underdogs. Both teams are now 2-3 against the number on the season. The Browns have now won and covered the last three head to head matchups between the teams. The 9 points scored came nowhere near the total of 41 for an easy UNDER.

It was a game without many highlights. The Browns got on the board first with a 24 yard Cundiff field goal in the second quarter, and took that 3-0 lead into the locker room at halftime. Buffalo would tie the score in third on a Rian Lindell 36 yard field goal. That would set the stage for Cundiff to nail the game winner from' yards out with: 23 left to play. Despite todays victory, Cleveland is averaging a woeful 11 points per game this season. Buffalos PPG numbers are slightly better thanks to decent scoring output in their first two games of the season--theyre averaging just over 15 points per contest.

The real loser in Sundays contest may have been Buffalo head coach Dick Jauron. Many were surprised that he was retained after the Bills third straight 7-9 season last year and things have gone from bad to worse so far in the 2009 NFL season. Buffalo has lost to winless teams in back to back weeks, part of a three game losing streak. Overall, the Bills have wound up losers in 12 of their last 15 games. Not that Cleveland has done much better--the win today ended a 10 game losing streak, one short of the all time franchise record. There are at least a few signs of hope in Cleveland, the same can't be said for Buffalo.

Cleveland will have a tough road assignment next Sunday, heading to Pittsburgh to face the World Champion Steelers. Theyll return home for a game against the Green Bay Packers on October 25th before playing the Chicago Bears in The Windy City the following week. Buffalo will play the next two on the road, heading to the Meadowlands next Sunday for a game against the New York Jets followed by a trip to Charlotte, NC to take on the Carolina Panthers. Theyll return home on November 1st to face the Houston Texans.

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CompTIA Training Providers In Detail

Posted by | Posted on 2:43 AM

By Jason Kendall

There are actually 4 different sectors in the full CompTIA A+ syllabus, of which 2 passes are needed for your A+ qualification. However only learning about 2 of the specialised areas might well not equip you for a job. Try to cover all four - for greater confidence in the world of work.

A+ certification without additional courses will set you up to mend and maintain stand-alone PC's and MAC's; ones which are usually not part of a network - which means the home or small business market.

If your ambition is taking care of computer networks, add the excellent Network+ to your training package. Taking this course as well will prepare you to assist you greatly in the job market. You may also want to consider the route to networking via Microsoft, in the form of MCP's, MCSA or the full MCSE.

How the program is actually delivered to you isn't always given the appropriate level of importance. How many stages do they break the program into? And in what sequence and what control do you have at what pace it arrives?

Many think it logical (with a typical time scale of 1-3 years for a full commercial certification,) for many training providers to send out the courseware in stages, as you pass each element. However:

How would they react if you didn't complete each section within the time limits imposed? And maybe you'll find their order of completion doesn't work as well as some other structure would for you.

For future safety and flexibility, it's not unusual for students to make sure that every element of their training is posted to them in one go, with nothing held back. That means it's down to you how fast or slow and in what order you'd like to take your exams.

We're often asked why qualifications from colleges and universities are being replaced by more qualifications from the commercial sector?

The IT sector is of the opinion that to cover the necessary commercial skill-sets, certified accreditation from such organisations as Adobe, Microsoft, CISCO and CompTIA is closer to the mark commercially - at a far reduced cost both money and time wise.

Many degrees, for instance, often get bogged down in too much background study - with a syllabus that's far too wide. Students are then held back from understanding the specific essentials in enough depth.

It's rather like the advert: 'It does what it says on the label'. All an employer has to do is know what they need doing, and then match up the appropriate exam numbers as a requirement. That way they can be sure they're interviewing applicants who can do the job.

Some training providers supply a practical Job Placement Assistance service, to assist your search for your first position. Don't get overly impressed with this service - it isn't unusual for eager sales people to overplay it. At the end of the day, the still growing need for IT personnel in the UK is the reason you'll find a job.

Bring your CV up to date as soon as possible however - you should get plenty of help from your training provider on this. Don't wait until you've qualified.

A good number of junior support jobs have been offered to students who are still studying and haven't got any qualifications yet. This will at least get you into the 'maybe' pile of CV's - rather than the 'No' pile.

If you'd like to get employment in your home town, then you may well find that a local (but specialised) recruitment consultancy can generally serve you better than the trainer's recruitment division, due to the fact that they're far more likely to know the jobs that are going locally.

Please be sure that you don't conscientiously work through your course materials, and then just stop and leave it up to everyone else to find you a job. Get off your backside and start looking for yourself. Put as much energy and enthusiasm into landing your new role as you did to get trained.

If you're like many of the students we talk to then you're quite practically minded - the 'hands-on' personality type. If you're like us, the world of book-reading and classrooms is something you'll make yourself do if you have to, but you'd hate it. Consider interactive, multimedia study if books just don't do it for you.

Our ability to remember is increased when all our senses are brought into the mix - experts have been clear on this for many years.

Courses are now available on CD and DVD discs, so everything is learned directly from your own PC. Through video streaming, you can sit back and watch the teachers showing you precisely how it's all done, with some practice time to follow - in a virtual lab environment.

It would be silly not to view some of the typical study materials provided before you sign on the dotted line. What you want are videoed instructor demonstrations and interactive modules with audio-visual elements.

It doesn't make sense to opt for on-line only training. Because of the variable quality and reliability of most broadband providers, you should always obtain CD or DVD ROM based materials.

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Advice For Getting The Most Out Of Your Raised Bed Gardening

Posted by | Posted on 2:39 AM

By Brian Arroyo

Once your raised bed is installed from scratch or from a kit, it'll be time to finally start the fun part of this ongoing home project: the actual raised bed gardening. It might be a little sparse where your bed is at the moment, there are a few things you can do to turn it into a living and breathing thing of beauty.

By watering carefully, using the right kind of soil, and watching out for disease and stopping weeds, you can keep your garden clean and fresh the entire season.

Levels Of pH And Good Soil

There are various soil mixtures out there, but the one that I've found has worked the best is one quarter yard soil, with the rest being a combination of sand and compost. This unique mixture will give your flowers a great base from which to start growing. Check the pH levels in your soil too. If it's high in alkaline, nothing is going to grow.

Minimize Weeds

Raised bed gardens typically get the better of weeds, but that's not to say that no one ever experiences the occasional weed here and there. Put in some organic mulch and use whatever weed guarding stuff you have in the house. If this doesn't get rid of your weed infestation, remove them by hand. It's simple and not really time consuming. Throw some more mulch over the top and see what happens overnight. Keep in mind this is an ongoing fight, so there will be victories and there will be losses.

Keep Watering

If you're unsure of what to do for water, it's best to go manually. This way, you can direct the water exactly where you want it: at the base of the plants themselves rather than the surrounding dirt. Irrigation systems can come in handy if you've got the money, as their drip technology will keep your plants at a more optimum water level than you could hope for doing it by hand. Overhead watering is the only real no-no, as it will leave too much moisture and leave plants susceptible to disease.

Easy Maintenance

One of the most appealing aspects of raised bed gardening is the simple fact that it really doesn't take much in the way of maintenance to keep them going. Simply watering properly, introducing organic material periodically and turning over the soil every now and then should be perfectly fine.

If the garden starts to pick up disease, empty your garden immediately and put in brand new soil for your plants. On a physical level, if your bed is built from bricks, make sure you check to make sure it's still steady to prevent anything falling.

The low maintenance may be a strong factor in choosing raised bed gardening over other options, but let's face it: raised bed gardens look beautiful and can add a set piece to your yard that will start the neighbors talking. For such a small investment, how can it not be worth it?

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