Any cigar smoker has seen a wide variety of cigar styles and sizes, whether they have first-hand experience or have simply peeked into the window of a tobacco shop. Size and style of cigar greatly determine what kind of smoking experience you will have. As an example, taste will be one factor determined by the style and size of your cigar as will the smoke temperature that results as you draw and puff the cigar. Have a little knowledge regarding the variety of styles and sizes of cigars can greatly enhance the experience you have a cigar smoker.
Cylindrical - This is the most widely used cigar style. This style of cigar allows for the even flow of air through the body of the cigar. This style is also the easiest to manufacture and is offered by most cigar makers. Generally, the cap on this style of cigar is rounded.
Torpedo - Less common than the cylindrical style, the torpedo is the another style of cigar. There is a more focused flow of air though the body of the cigar thanks to the tapered end. The torpedo style uses a funnel end that is commonly found at the head, or cap. However some cigar companies put the funnel at the let end, or foot.
Size Variations
You need to know how the size affects the experience of the cigar before you decide to light it up. The selection of cigar size will contribute to many varying factors in your smoking experience.
Length - Providing a 'cooler' smoke, longer cigars are often preferred. Longer cigars also typically provide a smoother taste and lack the harshness that can often be associated with shorter cigar sizes.
Diameter - The ring gauge or diameter of your cigar also plays a crucial role. The more thin a cigar is, the more harsh the smoke will be and the faster the cigar will burn. Alternately, a wide cigar will burn slower and the smoke will generally be smoother.
Fatter cigars are often priced higher. This is something to remember when contemplating adding to your collection. The higher cost is, obviously, a result in the increased tobacco leaves required to produce a larger cigar. All in all, the price increase is a result of getting more cigar.
Cylindrical - This is the most widely used cigar style. This style of cigar allows for the even flow of air through the body of the cigar. This style is also the easiest to manufacture and is offered by most cigar makers. Generally, the cap on this style of cigar is rounded.
Torpedo - Less common than the cylindrical style, the torpedo is the another style of cigar. There is a more focused flow of air though the body of the cigar thanks to the tapered end. The torpedo style uses a funnel end that is commonly found at the head, or cap. However some cigar companies put the funnel at the let end, or foot.
Size Variations
You need to know how the size affects the experience of the cigar before you decide to light it up. The selection of cigar size will contribute to many varying factors in your smoking experience.
Length - Providing a 'cooler' smoke, longer cigars are often preferred. Longer cigars also typically provide a smoother taste and lack the harshness that can often be associated with shorter cigar sizes.
Diameter - The ring gauge or diameter of your cigar also plays a crucial role. The more thin a cigar is, the more harsh the smoke will be and the faster the cigar will burn. Alternately, a wide cigar will burn slower and the smoke will generally be smoother.
Fatter cigars are often priced higher. This is something to remember when contemplating adding to your collection. The higher cost is, obviously, a result in the increased tobacco leaves required to produce a larger cigar. All in all, the price increase is a result of getting more cigar.
About the Author:
Dave Sabot is the owner of an online specialty lighters store. With expert knowledge of cigar accessories, including cigar cutter lighters, Dave also owns a premier online humidors store.
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